Monday, March 31, 2008

HAL's Legacy

Quite a while back, while I was surfing for "fun" bits of information to be included in some course notes, I came across this e-book version of Hal's Legacy.

Hal (or more formally, Hal-9000), as you might recall, is the supercomputer in the science fiction book/movie classic 2001: A Space Odyssey who (yes, I insist, who) eventually committed murder in an endeavor of self-preservation. Hal's Legacy is a great book for students interested in artificial intelligence, natural language processing, robotics, or just geeks in general. And it's online in its entirety for free!


Thursday, March 6, 2008



  1. 蜜糖泡水,再加一片柠檬。(冷热随喜)
  2. 牛奶!反正牛奶是最容易汲取钙质等营养的饮品。
  3. 饭后勤刷牙,尤其用薄荷牙膏——据说口腔清爽可以减少胃酸分泌。