Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Little Jedi in Pink

Pretty in Pink.

MC turned out to know more about Star Wars than I do. The moment he saw Hui Ning in this new dress, he made a beeline for the camel humps at the Penang Municipal Park.

As it turned out eventually, no, MC doesn't know more about Star Wars than I do — Banthas don't have humps.


hussein said...

If you're thinking of desert fauna in Star Wars, there's banthas, dewbacks, eopies, krayt dragons, rontos, scurriers, womp rats, wraids and worrts on Tatooine. None of them have humps.

Eopies are probably the most camel-like, but they have no humps either. The best approximation of a hump is probably the head/neck of a ronto, which has a bulge.

Unknown said...

The Master Jedi speaketh!

Sorry for the mistake. I'm just hoping that there won't be other Jedis and Star War fans screaming for my hide.

But you'll still agree that she looks cute, right? :)

hussein said...

Yes she is adorable :)