Thursday, December 13, 2007

New USM Thesis LaTeX Class Files

I just uploaded the new USM Thesis LaTeX class files (usmthesis 1.2) at, to be compatible with the new thesis guidelines effective from Dec 16 2007 onwards.

Major changes:
  • Body font is now Times Roman for serif type, Helvetica for sans serif type, and TX Typewriter for typewriter font.
  • Bottom page margin increased to 4.0cm.
  • Page number now placed 1.0cm from bottom edge of paper.
  • All text on title page are now in bold.
  • Title of bibliography/references is now "REFERENCES".
  • Introduced new "plate" float and "List of Plates".
  • List of Publications is now moved to after appendices.
  • Re-formatting of the table of contents:
    • all text are unformatted (chapter headings are neither in bold nor using larger font size
    • otted leader between titles and page number
    • larger separation between (sub)section numbers and titles to resemble the sample in the guidelines more closely
  • Fixed bug in definition of \chapter to honour short title in \chapter[short title]{full title}

(p/s I've yet to blog about our recent participation in the 11th International Conference on Translation in KL... I wonder if I'll ever get round to it?)